NEW: A Whole Body Anti-Crepe Anti-Cellulite Anti-Wrinkle Cream (Skin Beautiful MD TONED)

Posted by Jackie Wicks on

Skin Beautiful MD TONED is a 3 in 1 whole body anti-aging cream in a large 4oz container.

1. It immediately smoothes and hydrates dry, "crepey" skin.  If this is not your experience when you first apply it, email us and we will refund your money.

2. Key ingredients help to smooth wrinkles and rebuild youthful vigor. The same peptides that we and other top skin care brands put in our face creams, are now available for the entire body.  These ingredients help build collagen, build elastin.  You'll start to see results in about 30 days.

3. Key ingredients help to reduce appearance of cellulite, by reducing the amount of fat stored in your skin, and increasing the amount of fat burned in your skin.

This product is designed to be applied in the morning and evening, on the parts of your body that you want smooth and toned.

A key warning is to not use too much at once. The first time you use this product, you are going to freak out. Your skin will look and feel so good you'll be tempted to use the entire jar in about 3 days.  Resist the urge.  The ingredients in the cream are powerful, and they work through consistent twice a day use.  A little goes a long way.

We built this completely unique product because many of our customers would use the Skin Beautiful MD products on their face and neck, and then rub the rest of the cream on the back of their hands.  

People would email us, and tell us how good their hands look.  So we began to think about how we could create an anti-aging cream for the whole body, that was also affordable.  

We asked ourselves "what if we could create a product like the large jar of La Mer, that was better, a fraction of the cost, and also target areas of excess fat accumulated on the skin?"  

We took this a step further and set out to make the product fragrance free, totally plant-based, cruelty free, sustainable, gluten free, with a recyclable container.

TONED was the result.  For those of you who have started to use it, leave a comment below. Purchase TONED here and use TONED25 to save 25%

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