The Interesting Difference Between Type 1 Collagen and Type 3 "Youth" Collagen

Posted by Jackie Wicks on

You have probably heard there are several different types of collagen in the skin. Type 1 is the most abundant in your epidermis, representing 80-85%.

This is what gives your skin elastic resistance. It is very strong and allows the skin to be stretched.

Type 3 collagen is the dominant collagen in babies and in youthful skin. During the aging process, cells gradually lose their ability to produce this type of collagen. It actually has this "bouncy curled ribbon structure to it, as you see in the image.

What's interesting is that the collagen boosting ingredient discussed below helps your skin produce both Type 1 and Type 3.

It is made in Barcelona, by the same company that makes the key skin smoothing ingredient in our very popular Wrinkle Erase C Serum.

Some Background:

When it comes to skin products, there has been a lot of work making the ingredients better over the last few years.

A lot of this work has happened in Europe, which we constantly document. 

In many cases these ingredients work as predictably as drugs that a doctor might prescribe.

But without the toxic side effects.

One set of new ingredients that work really well, help with collagen production.

If you have loose and saggy skin on the face or neck, the biggest culprit here is a reduction of collagen.

Both the collagen you make and the collagen your skin layers retain.

Two different things.

One of the key ingredients in our night/day cream helps to boost collagen production by 80-300% in just 15 days.

Another key ingredient helps you retain collagen, by stopping the process where it gets broken down.

When you try this formula, you'll start to see it work within 7 days. It will help with the skin on your face, your neck and over the breastbone.

Where we tend to accumulate sun damage.

This should be incredibly motivating. Especially if you were not expecting this to work or were keeping you expectations in check.

You can try this formula for a special price today. Use TONED25 at the checkout to claim it.  Click here to order now!   You can combine Skin Beautiful MD Night/Day Cream with TONED cream on your neck.  

This helps remove cellulite from the skin on your neck, which is essential to prevent dropping.  

And if you don't feel like this has helped you a great within 30 days, email us and we will give you a refund with a press of a button and nothing to return.

When you read the five different European ingredients here you'll want to try. 

Or you'll want to take advantage of this offer because you are already using the Skin Beautiful MD Night/Day Cream.

Hopefully this will be the start of a motivating process. 

It all starts with the ingredients, and the most important thing to know is they are new.

​If you feel frustrated because things have not worked in the past, give these new ingredients a shot.

You have nothing to lose, and you might end up feeling great and motivated.

-Jackie Wicks

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  • I am eager to try your products and would like a full description of the ingredients please!

    AliciaRae on

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